Dan Ortiz for District 36By Rep. Louise Stutes
October 16, 2020
As we continue to battle COVID-19, rebuild our economy, restore essential services, and look for a fiscal solution that makes that possible, it is imperative that we have effective leaders who cast party politics aside for the betterment of their constituents and the state; Rep. Dan Ortiz is one such leader. As Chair of both the Fisheries and Transportation Committees, as well as the Representative for Kodiak, Cordova, Yakutat, and Seldovia, I have worked closely with Dan on countless coastal issues. Dan is the most effective and unwavering advocate for robust fisheries management, fisheries reform legislation, ferry service restoration, and tourism growth that we have in the Legislature today. Rep. Ortiz has accomplished this by developing great working relationships. Dan is an Independent, and I’m a life-long Republican, so we don’t agree on every issue. What we always agree on, however, is the need for legislators, irrespective of party, to work together to move Alaska and our respective constituencies forward. We all see the political divide nationally, but as Alaskans we have historically chosen our own path. The path to solutions is not one of division, but is one of compromise, independence from party politics, and that of an open mind. Rep. Ortiz has unequivocally proven that he embodies those principles, but that he will not compromise the values of his constituents in the process. As you consider your options this November, I ask that you stand with me in supporting Rep. Dan Ortiz, a proven and effective leader, advocate, and bridge builder for District 36. Together, we can move coastal Alaska forward! Sincerely, Representative Louise Stutes About: Rep Louise Stutes (R) represents House District-32 (Kodiak, Cordova, Yakutat, and Seldovia). Editor's Note:
Received October 13, 2020 - Published October 16, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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